Serving in Worship

On a Sunday morning, priests may look like they are doing the work of our liturgy, but the Episcopal Church is intentional that our worship is the work of all people, lay and clergy alike. The word "liturgy" means the "work of the people." The Prayer Book of a priest is no different than the one in the pew. Because of this, a variety of roles exist to help the laity (non-clergy) not only participate beyond the pew, but to lead portions of our liturgy. 

View our current Participant Schedule here.

  • Altar Teams

    The altar team is comprised of the clergy, acolytes, and lay eucharistic ministers.

    The acolytes of St. B's are children, youth, and adults who are trained to assist the priests during worship services on Sunday mornings. They are trained by the vergers to light and extinguish candles at the altar, as well as participate in the processional and recessional, and receive the offerings from the ushers. Lay eucharistic ministers are lay people who assist the clergy in the administration of Holy Communion. They also lead parts of the service, especially the Prayers of the People.

    To serve as an acolyte or LEM, please email Bev Mahan, Head Verger.

  • the guilds

    We have two guilds at St. B's, the altar guild and the flower guild. The altar guild is a behind the scenes ministry that helps to prepare our space for worship by setting the linens on the table. They also clean vessels, polish brass, wash linens, and fill candles for each service held at St. B's in the sanctuary. The altar guild also serves at weddings. The flower guild creates the altar arrangement for each Sunday. Volunteers serve once a month. 

    If you'd like to serve behind the scenes, please email

     Thorunn McCoy for Altar Guild

     Mavis Harrop for Flower Guild

  • lectors

    The lectors are men, women, teens, and older children who read the lessons each Sunday. Individuals usually read once a quarter. 

    If you would like to serve as a reader, email Sharon Smith.

  • intercessors

    During communion at each of our Sunday services, teams of two intercessors stand behind kneelers on the right side of the altar rail. They offer appropriate prayers of thanksgiving and petition and often lay hands on those who come forth.

    If you would like to serve, please email Pam MacArthur

  • Ushers

    Upon arriving for worship at St. B's, the ushers are often the first people encountered as they stand at the entrance to the sanctuary. Ushers are volunteers who hand out worship bulletins before services, assist with the offertory and communion, and occasionally pass out extra publications after services. 

    To serve as an usher, please email Bill Bowlby

  • A/V Team

    Led by part-time staff member, Matthew Shepherd, audio/visual engineers are responsible for live-streaming and sound on Sunday mornings and for other events throughout the year. Weddings and funerals are stipendiary. Experience is preferred, but training is available for interested participants.

    To serve on the A/V team, email Matthew.

  • Welcome Teams

    Welcome Teams embody the welcome of Jesus through the acts of hospitality and greeting. Teams serve one Sunday morning a month. They prepare and serve coffee; greet people as they enter worship; and provide directions as needed. Joining a Welcome Team is a great way to build community and make friends with those who are also serving. Whether you like to meet and greet people or serve behind the scenes, Welcome Teams have a place for you!

    To serve on a team, email Rev. Serena.