Theology on Tap
Mon, Nov 30th 7pm - 8pm
Your Own Home You Own Street Nashville , TN 37215

Theology on Tap welcomes Pieter Valk on Monday, November 30 at 7 p.m. for a conversation on singleness in the church applicable to both those who are single and those who are married. Together we will deepen our understanding of God's design for and the kingdom beauty of vocational singleness. Why does God call some people to this lifetime singleness for the sake of the kingdom? How can churches (and in particular those who are married) better support those who are single? Pieter is seeking ordination to the diaconate in the Anglican Church. He studied at Vanderbilt University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Lipscomb University. Pieter is a co-founder of the Nashville Family of Brothers, the Director of EQUIP, and a Licensed Professional Counselor. Originally created for younger adults, Theology on Tap invites people of all ages for connection, conversation, drinks, and theology in a casual atmosphere around the city. During COVIDtide, Theology on Tap has moved to Zoom. Email Matt Chambers-Rhea at for the link or more info.