The Annual Meeting

Once each year, our by-laws and diocesan canons require us to gather as a body to discuss the church's business and elect new vestry members. Although required, holding a "family" meeting is an excellent thing to do in any family from time to time. As a parish, our family meeting includes presentation of our annual budget, the Senior Warden's report, vestry election, and Fr. Sammy's "State of the Parish" address. 

Our annual meeting will necessarily work differently this year since we cannot all be in the same room together. Fr. Sammy will open the meeting on Zoom, Sunday, January 24, at 11 a.m. That day, he will present the Annual Report, acknowledge retiring vestry members, introduce the slate of vestry nominees, open the floor for nominations, and open the balloting. The meeting will then be gavelled into adjournment for one week because the vestry must be elected "at the Annual Parish Meeting," according to our diocesan canons. 

Votes may be cast Sunday, January 24 through 7 a.m., Sunday, January 31, in paper or digital form. The meeting will reconvene on Sunday, January 31, at 11 a.m. on Zoom for other business, including the Rector's and Senior Warden's reports. Vestry members will be selected through the casting of lots following the reports. Both Zoom sessions will be recorded for those who cannot be present. 

Join the Meeting

This year's annual meeting will begin on Sunday, January 24 and conclude on Sunday, January 31. Both sessions of the meeting will happen on Zoom. Sunday, January 24 will include the presentation of the Annual Report, appreciation of retiring vestry members, introduction of this year's slate, and instruction for voting. 

Sunday, January 24, 11 a.m. on Zoom >>>here
Sunday, January 31, 11 a.m. on Zoom >>>here

Meeting ID 819 5587 6515
Passcode 4800

Cast Your Vote

St. Bartholomew's elects new vestry members by casting lots. Ballots contain a series of numbers. You vote for four numbers on the ballot. The ballots are tallied, and the numbers are then ranked by votes. Each vestry nominee draws a number. The nominees that drew the top four digits from the ballots are elected to serve. 

Because we cannot gather together, voting will begin after the opening session of the annual meeting on Sunday, January 24, and conclude at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 31. All confirmed members in good standing who are at least 16 years of age can vote. All persons at least 16 years of age who regularly attend worship and are active participants in the church through time, talent, and treasure, but not confirmed, are also eligible to vote. 

The digital ballot will be emailed to the parish after the first session of the Annual Meeting on the 24th. Paper ballots will be available upon request from the church office. 

Vestry Nominees

Last fall, a call was issued to the congregation for nominations for vestry. Nominees must be a confirmed member in good standing, demonstrate a meaningful walk with Jesus, be at least 18 years old, contribute meaningfully with time/talent/treasure to St. B’s, and meet with Fr. Sammy. Vestry members serve a three year term. Nominations will be received from the floor during the Zoom session on Sunday, January 24. The seven parishioners who have agreed to stand for the vestry class of 2024 follow below. Read their bios >>>here

  • Scott Bradley has been a member of St. B’s since 2009 along with his wife Michelle and their (now adult) children Micah and Eli. A retired MNPS teacher, Scott has taught 1st and 2nd grade Sunday school with Michelle for many years, and it is one of the things they miss most during Covid. They are both thankful to be able to regularly attend Friday services at St. B’s.

    Scott Bradley

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  • Brent ferrell

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  • Beth heimburger

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  • Russ heldman

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  • Andrew kintz

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  • Alicia lewis

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  • Erin shankel

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