What if you couldn't just to drive to Walgreens to buy Advil? We are helping our mission partner Siloam Health collect
over-the-counter medicines, personal products, and children's activities
for its patients. The need is great! We've posted the list of items to donate on this page. Drop
off the items in the bin outside Rev. Serena's office in our parish building, from Wednesday,
August 25 - Sunday, September 26. As you purchase items, reflect with
yourself or others on why the need is great and what it would be like to
have to go without these items. Perhaps say a prayer for each person
who will end up using the items you are buying.
All donations must be unopened and unexpired. Generic brands with same active ingredients are acceptable.
Over-the-counter medications
- Children's and adult Tylenol (small bottles of 50-75 pills)
- Children's and adult Ibuprofen (small bottles of 50-75 pills)
- Vitamins (prenatal, adult multivitamin, etc.)
- Joint pain supplement (Glucosamine Chondroitin)
- Miralax
- Tums/antacids
- Cough and cold products (liquid and pill form)
- Nasal steroids (i.e., Flonase)
- Cough drops
Children's items
- Kids' face masks
- Small new stuffed animals
- Coloring books
- Small packs of crayons
Hygiene Supplies
- Regular size shampoo bottles
- Deodorant/antiperspirant
- Adult toothbrushes
- Toothpaste