Welcome to St. B's! We're glad you're here.

Who We Are

We are a community of people being formed into the likeness of Jesus by worshipping God, serving those in need, and sharing the Gospel. We are here for the flourishing of others because of the grace and love we have received from Jesus.

Join us for Worship

Worship in Person

Everyone is welcome to join us for Holy Eucharist on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. (this is our summer schedule from May 19 to August 4)

Worship from Home

If you aren't able to be here in person,  worship with us online!


New to St. B’s? Check out information about us here and let us know more about you by filling out our newcomer card. We love to pray for our newcomers by name. 

Sunday Schedule

From May 19 - August 4, 9:30* a.m. Holy Eucharist with Children's Homily and Nursery

Starting August 11, 8:30* & 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Children's Homily and Nursery at the 8:30 service

*This service is live-streamed. Please visit Worship/ From Home page for details. 

12:30 p.m. South Sudanese Service in Wallace Hall



10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The Nave is open for private prayer


12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayer